The Old South Association of Boston has offered two prizes of $100 and two of $60 for the best historical essays written by graduates of the Boston Public Latin and the Boston Public High Schools in 1929 and 1930, it was announced last night by officers of the society.
All essays must be submitted between January 1 and 15, 1931, and the prizes will be awarded on February 22, 1931. Circulars describing the contests may be secured by calling at the Old South Meeting House. Washington and Milk Streets, Boston, or will be sent on request. The subjects and rules are out lined in the circulars.
Two subjects are proposed for the essays this year, which are to be approximately 8,000 words in length. The subjects are as follows:
1. John Winthrop, 1588-1649. Discuss in detail regarding the chief events of his career and give estimate of the value of his services to the Colony of the Massachusetts Bay in New England.
2. The New England Confederation of 1634. Describe fully the provisions for united action; state the reasons for its formation; give its history through to the end of King Philip's War; and discuss its bearing on later plans for federal union.
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