

All Candidates Will Gather at 7 O'Clock in Crimson Building--Competitions Tinct With Interest

Next Monday evening at 7.30 o'clock, members of the Class of 1932 will have their last opportunity to compete for the editorial board of the CRIMSON, while Sophomores will have their last chance to try out for the news, business, and photographic departments, when a meeting will be held in the president's office of the CRIMSON Building, at 14 Plympton Street.

To start the four competitions, P.M. Sweezy '31, president of the CRIMSON, will give a short talk. Afterwards, candidates will be shown the building by the heads of the departments. Work during the first week will be very light, being concerned mostly with learning mechanical details and routine work. The winter competitions, besides offering the last chance for Juniors and, in three departments, for Sophomores to make the CRIMSON, is the shortest of the year. After three weeks of the competition there is a two-week break at Christmas vacation. The work during the examination period is of the lightest possible nature.

Previous experience of journalistic nature is quite unnecessary for candidates. In the news department, for instance, the first work is covering assignments and writing stories, under the direction and supervision of editors. Then, after this experience is gained, the candidates devote more of their time to "scoops", or original, unassigned stories. The editorial competition consists of writing one editorial per day, while business candidates get advertisements and do some office work. Photographic candidates take, develop, and print pictures of events of interest to the University.
