

The figures in today's CRIMSON on the intended careers of the members of the Freshman class are interesting indications of what the class of 1934 think they are going to do when they finish college. The replies of those who bothered to answer the questionnaire can not be taken very seriously at this stage of their college careers. The large number of men who do not know what they are going to do after college is of more significance and offers a justification for such offices as that of Consultant on careers.

A large proportion of every class consists of individuals with no coherent thoughts as to the possibilities of the future. In addition to this there are others who do not feel that they have a sufficient basis of experience to commit themselves to a definite plan of action. These men often have potential qualities of success greater than in those whose characters and aims are prematurely crystallized. When a freshman states positively that he is to be a lawyer or a doctor he is often merely repeating his parents ideas on the subject.

On the other hand those men who are more receptive and yet less under the influence of the ideas of others are capable of imagining many possible careers for themselves. The opportunities which seem open for them are so wide that they mush arbitrarily narrow their efforts and interests. Aid and advice on such orientation are offered by the University Consultant on careers, and many men who do not quite know their own minds can find here certain helpful suggestions as to the path they should follow.
