
In the Graduate Schools

Law School Announces List of Judges and Finalists

Arguments for the semi-finals of the Ames competition of the Harvard Law School will begin in the court room of Langdell Hall tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock and will be concluded Friday evening, it was announced at the Law School yesterday.

The Ames competitions, the drawing up, presentation, and solving of a series of moot cases on various subjects, are renewed every year in the Law School. All first-year students who are interested join some particular law club which is part of the Ames competition. Eight men, some of whom are carried on from year to year, constitute a club, while others are organized if necessary. The competitions culminate in the second year when the clubs that have completed certain requirements are entered in the qualifying round. Eight winners of the qualifying round go into the quarter finals, and of these the four best move on to the semi-finals, which are being held this week. The semi-finals are composed entirely of thirdyear students.

The clubs and men presenting the cases this week are as follows: Tomorrow: Edward Warren Club, made up of Arad Riggs 3L and B. G. Habberton 3L versus. The Sayre Club, composed of J. W. Merriam 3L and Milton Schilback 3L. Friday: The Bryce Club, which includes D. W. Raudenbush '31 and H. C. Rose 3L. versus The Van Devanter Club, composed of A. F. Reel 3L and B. P. Cooper 3L.

Judges for the cases are as follows: tomorrow--Honorable W. C. Wait '82, justice of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts; Honorable J. S. Murdock, justice of the Supreme Court of Rhode Island; Honorable J. M. Morton Jr. of the United States District Court of Massachusetts. Friday--Honorable J. A. Lowell '91. United States judge for the district of Massachusetts; Honorable P. J. McCormick. United States judge for the district of southern California; Honorable R. P. Patterson, judge for the southern district of New York.
