The success of the Alumni Placement Service, whose questionnaires are to be received this morning, will be watched with more than ordinary interest. Present conditions of unemployment and business depression are bound to last for many months; during that period, college graduates will find it harder and harder to get any jobs at all, let alone the jobs they want. It never has been too easy for them to procure positions and it is oven more difficult for those who have only a vague iden of what they want.
Last year, the first in which this Bureau assumed the duty of helping Seniors as well as alumni, 34.7 per cent of those registering were placed by the Bureau. Of the remainder, those who did not gain immediate results were at least given assistance of value in making vocational plans.
In a recent questionnaire sent to alumni, over 2,000 replied that they were dissatisfied with their present jobs, or had changed positions many times. This evil of indecision makes many college men take the handiest job rather than the best; it is for these that the Placement Service should and can be a sensible liaison between his college education and after life.
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