

Havana students, the press reports, have engaged in an attack, verbal and physical, on the Cuban government, European students as a whole have taken an interest in radical revolutions. But here in America the student sleeps in Old World dormitories and lets the New World go by. The politicians and the press have been in the habit of terming college students radical, but nothing could be further from the truth. The Harvard undergraduate body has been completely a stand-patter.

The Liberal Club and the Socialist Club have attempted to arouse interest in discussion of political and social events, but their hard-working efforts have not been able to stir the molasses of an indifferent community. Perhaps, with their fathers riding on the crest of the stock market, the sons have considered as settled all economic problems.

But now distress is rife and is touching the pocketbooks of Harvard men. Perhaps, with increasing unemployment and men out of work even in Wall Street the Somnolent Cambridge atmosphere may be acrid with the smoke of bullets.
