

Sons of University Faculty are Offered Privileges of Group--Will Meet Each Week

Sons of the faculty and administrative officers of the University will be invited to join a swimming class starting next Saturday at 10 o'clock in the new poll, and meeting weekly thereafter, it was announced yesterday by N. W. Fradd, instructor in Physical Education.

Open to boys from the ages of seven to sixteen, the new swimming class marks the first time that outsiders have ever been permitted in the University pool. Any son of a member of the faculty can become a member of the class by paying a yearly fee of $2.50. Tickets are to be purchased from the attendant in charge of the locker room downstairs in the new gymnasium: the applicant must either have a signed letter from his father or be accompanied by him personally. The aim of the class is to give instruction to non swimmers and afford others a recreational period in the pool as well as on the gymnasium floor.

The body building class for University and Freshman swimmers which was organized yesterday by Coach H. S. Ulen has been well attended. Between 60 and 65 men have been reporting every day and the prospects for the coming swimming season are comparatively bright.
