

Attendant Will Inspect Books at Main Doorway--System Will Speed Up the Work

The temporary barrier which is now being installed at the main entrance of Widener Library will be fully completed by next Monday, it was announced yesterday by R. B. Blake, Director of Widener.

The barrier, consisting of four turnstiles and a wooden railing, will be the most efficient means of checking up on books yet devised for the Library. On the outside of the two main pillars directly behind the front entrance will be two of the turnstiles to be used by those entering the building, and in the middle between the pillars will be the other turnstiles through which persons will leave the Library. A checking desk will be situated between these and all brief cases and book bags will have to be submitted to the attendant for inspection.

"By means of this we will be able to do the job of inspecting much easier and faster than we have been able to up in the delivery room," said Mr. Blake, "and we will also be able to check up on people leaving the reading room as well. However, in spite of its advantages of speed, students are advised to plan to leave for their classes a little earlier than usual, as they will have to go through both turnstiles one at a time."

A bronze railing is now being made and as soon as it is completed it will be put in place of the temporary wooden one. It will be designed to match the other hardware throughout Widener according to the makers and will improve the general appearance of the corridor.

The temporary checking system which has been in use pending the completion of the turnstiles has already resulted in a reduction of the Library losses. It was because so many volumes were stolen from Widener during the past College year that some sort of inspection was thought necessary before students would be permitted to leave the building.
