The game between the Yale and Army players on Saturday was a hard-fought and honorable tie. The postmortem battle of statements between the officials of the two institutions, now that the returns are in, also seem to be a tie in absurdity.
At first the Yale absurdists seemed far in the lead. They announced that the motion pictures showed a foul in the play which pushed the Army touchdown across. Possibly there was. But it has nothing to do with the case. The fouls that count in football, and, very properly, are those which the officials see. No other reckoning is possible. If the verdict of comprehensive slow motion pictures were accepted, not one, but many, uncalled fouls would be revealed in every hard-fought game. The scores of every important football game in history would have to be revised. The decision of every hard-fought game would require about as long as the Teapot Dome case. This being the case, it seems to us a little shorts of the fine old Bulldog sportsmanship to broadcast to the world this particular non-called Army foul.
New York Herald Tribune, Oct. 29.
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