

Prospects Bright as Squads Meet to Discuss Plans for Tournaments to be Held During Fall

Candidates for the University squash squad will meet this afternoon at 5 o'clock at the University courts on Linden Street to organize the annual fall tournament and make preparations for the coming season.

The first match has been set for December 6, but the rest of the schedule has not yet been made out. The squash team plays mostly social clubs in the vicinity of Cambridge and Boston. Prospects for the season appear comparatively bright as four players are back who earned their letters last year. C. D. G. Breckinridge '31, who is to captain this year's team, was a distinguished player last year and reached the finals in the University tournament. A. C. Ingraham '31, is also back, as well as A. W. Patterson '32, and N. F. Glidden '31.

This winter there will not only be a fall tournament for University players, but Senior, Junior, Sophomore, and Freshman tournaments, a Graduate Schools tournament, and a Faculty tournament, the latter contest being held for the first time last year. The Freshman tourneys for this year have already started--the first meeting was held last Monday. Over 40 men turned out for the 1934 squad.
