

All Other Events to be Run off Today at 3 O'Clock--Meet Open to All Members of the University

H. W. Huntington '34, with a handicap of seven inches, won first place in the high jump at 5ft. 7in. in the Fall Handicap Track Meet. The high jump, which was the only event not postponed until today on account of wet weather, took place in the old cage.

N. P. Beveridge '32, last year's winner at 5ft. 10in., found himself unable to do better than 5ft. 6 1-2 in. yesterday afternoon and went into a quadruple tie for second place with D. A. Herman '32, H. C. Thacher '33, and E.C. Devereux '34.

Because of yesterday's postponement, all the events will be run off today except the pole-vault which will take place on November 6.

Today's schedule of events is as follows: 3 o'clock--javelin, broad jump, and shotput, 3.30 o'clock--70-yard dash trials, 3.45 o'clock--mile run, 3.55 o'clock--70-yard dash finals, 4 o'clock--440-yard run, 4.05 o'clock--120-yard low hurdles, 4.10 o'clock--150-yard dash trials, 4.20 o'clock--880-yard run, 4.30 o'clock--150-yard dash finals. All competitors should sign up at the Freshman track before each event.

The summary for yesterday:


High jump--Won by H. W. Huntington '34 (7in.), 5ft. 7in.; second, N. P. Beveridge '32, (scratch), D. A. Herman '32, (scratch), H. C. Thacher '33 (scratch), and E. C. Devereux '34 (4in.). Height 5ft. 7in.
