
Touch Football Teams of the Crimson and the Dartmouth Meet in Game Today--Both Papers Predict Own Victory

Hanoverians Masquerading as 'Diddlers' are Conscious of Crimson Supremacy

Hanover, N. H., October 23--The Dartmouth "Diddlers" wound up their preparation for the annual tussle with the Harvard CRIMSON at Soldiers Field tomorrow with a long dummy scrimmage.

The Indian fourth estate eleven has been holding secret workouts under flood lights all week, to accustom themselves to the bright lights they will encounter in Boston.

Headed by Coach Martin, the Green squad of eleven players will descend upon Cambridge from the red and gold fastnesses of their New Hampshire hills. The starting lineup is completely undecided as yet.

According to advance reports, the Crimson scribes are conceded a slight edge. The "Diddlers" hope to be able to make up this deficiency before the end of the afternoon.
