
Friedrich Advocates Talking Pictures of Parliaments as Vivid Laboratory Material for Students of Government

"The filming of political bodies in action such as the League of Nations or election meetings would vitalize instruction in the Social Sciences," declared C. J. Friedrich, assistant professor of Government yesterday in discussing the League of Nations film shown Tuesday night in Dunster House.

Professor Friedrich in expressing his views called attention to the fact that in C. H. Beard's book. "The American Leviathan," references are made not only to various books but a list of motion picture films relating to the text are given as well. The federal government has already made a number of films, but Professor Friedrich sees great possibilities in the use of talking pictures exclusively.

"The League of Nations film would have been much better if it had been made into a talkie," he continued. "Its real scientific value was slight, and if some of the scenery had been cut out and more about the League itself shown, he film would have been improved from an educational point of view. I understand, though, that it would be quite difficult to show the League in action while an important meeting was in session.

"In physics and chemistry students are required to do a certain amount of laboratory work where they acquire a realistic attitude toward the things they are studying. In Social Sciences there are limitations, but the talkies do offer an extraordinary opportunity for some laboratory work in them.

"I have a feeling that in Government the students lack realism, lack imaginative material with which to work. For instance, many people have a very vague idea of what the word "parliament" means. To most of them it is only the vague notion of so much talking going on, when it ought to signify a very concrete thing. Anyone who sees a parliament in section realizes that there is no vagueness about it."
