Hanover N. H., Oct. 21--Shepard Wolff, Dartmouth star halfback, was in the first team lineup again after a day's rest as the Indians went through a long drill for the Harvard contest.
With the report that Devens, Mays and Ogden will be in the Crimson lineup against Dartmouth, the feeling in the Green camp was that the odds will be in favor of Harvard. Coach Cannell would not predict the score of the game but he declared that. "It will be an even hard battle, and only by getting the breaks will Dartmouth win."
Forward passing was again stressed in today's practice and it is certain that the Indians will resort to the aorial attack frequently in the Harvard Stadium. Several new plays are being worked out and the short pass behind the line of scrimmage which was used with deadly effect against Columbia will be seen this Saturday. The second team was opposed by the scrubs using Harvard plays today and experienced trouble in stopping them.
It is felt in Hanover that at the start the contest may develop into a kicking duel, and the team using this strategy to advantage will have a good chance to score. Morton, who made some long punts against the Lions will probably do the kicking for Dartmouth.
Cannell will send the same team which opened against Columbia into the Harvard contest with the exception of Sutton at fullback in place of Wilkins. The failure of Mackey to round into shape from his injury which has kept him out two weeks leaves the left wing again open to Charles Sullivan, who is not a brilliant end, although he played well against Columbia
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