

Team A Has Signal Practice as Teams B and C Scrimmage Freshman--Seven Men Excused for Day

The Big Green shadow that has been hanging over the Harvard camp ever since Dartmouth's convincing and over-whelming 52 to 0 victory over Columbia last Saturday was partly dimmed yesterday when it was learned that all of the injured Harvard players would be ready for the game with the Indians on Saturday.

This means that Devens, Mays, Ogden, Talbot, and Graves will all be ready to go against the highly touted Dartmouth eleven after having been forced to see the Army defeat from the sidelines. Faxon and Cunningham still remain on the hospital list, but they had not been expected back for quite some time.

With no injuries having resulted from the Army clash Harvard will be at full strength for the first time this season. Devens, Mays, Ogden, and Talbot all were occupying first team berths at the time when they were injured, but whether they will get back their posts is problematical. Talbot should resume his guard position beside Ticknor without question since he is needed especially on the offense. So should Ogden return to right end even though Moushegian played a strong game Saturday.

The playing of Crickard on Saturday has created a problem in the backfield, but quite a pleasant one. With the veterans, Devens and Mays back it would not be unlikely that Harvard's lateral pass twins of last year would be split up and paired off with Crickard and Schereschewsky, giving Coach Horween two sets of Team A halfbacks. In this event it would probably be Devens and Crickard in one pair and Mays and Schereschewsky in the other. Then there still would be Batchelder and Record or Forbes for a third combination.

The practice yesterday was not as light as expected, Coach Horween sending teams B and C against those members of Coach French's Freshman squad that did not take part in the Exeter game last Saturday. It was an informal scrimmage with no record of first downs or touchdowns being kept. Team A, minus a number of men who were excused, ran through signals after having listened to Horween discuss the mistakes of the Army game.


The men excused included Ticknor, Crickard, and Harding, who were not on the field: Ogden, Mays and Richards, who were in togs but just jogged around: and Devens, on the field in civilian clothes.
