To the Editor of the CRIMSON:
Enclosed please find resolutions adopted at the regular meeting of our local Legion Post, regarding your recent editorial.
You have overstepped your journalistic license in making such unjust charges against the American Legion, and especially against the thousands of members who are 100 per cent law abiding citizens. From the Henry J. LeClair Post, J. W. Buttrick. Greenville, N. H.
The resolution follows:
WHEREAS, a certain publication of Boston and Cambridge Massachusetts edited by callow youths who are students at an institution which tends more towards Socialistic Modernism than to pure Americanism has seen fit to publish an Editorial under the title "The Drunken Legion" and
WHEREAS, we consider certain statements in said Editorial as exceedingly derogatory and harmful to the good name of the American Legion, and positively insulting to the thousands of good American citizens who are members of that organization.
Be it resolved that we, the Henry J. LeClair Post No. 13 American Legion, department of New Hampshire, do heartily denounce the attitude of this paper, and demand that the editors of said publication fully retract the unjust statements, and further demand an apology to the American Legion.
Be it further resolved that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the Harvard CRIMSON, a copy to the Boston Post, to publicly show the sentiments of this Post, and a copy placed in the records of the Post.
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