

Lovejoy, Segal Had All Arrangements for Theater Completed--City Owns Former Gymnasium

Plans for the Cambridge School of Drama experimental theatre were definitely abandoned yesterday when it became known that the department of Naval Science and Tactics had refused to give up its rights to use the Rogers building as drill quarters and to allow the dramatists to remodel it for their theatre to be used in connection with courses.

Both the Drama School and the Naval Science Department had secured rights to use the former gymnasium, which stands in the triangle opposite Memorial Hall, but the former organization had decided to rebuild it into an experimental theater for use in the staging of plays. The board of governors made several overtures to the Naval department heads in an effort to secure the rights to the building this fall but were balked by their co-occupants. The suggestion that the Naval Science Department use the old baseball cage was turned down on the grounds that the men would get their feet dirty.

Plans for the experimental theater were drawn up this summer by A. L. Love joy, director of the school, and A. P. Segal. They called for a forest age, a curtain less stage, "tormentor towers", placements for lights and light control, storage room, and seating for an audience. Offices for the school, for the director and the art director, and a drafting room were also included.

The Rogers building is owned by the city of Cambridge but was being loaned to the Naval Science Department and the drama school. The former had secured the use of the building a year ago while the latter had just acquired the rights last spring. Both are now using the building jointly. The drama school has classes there in the afternoon and evenings while the Naval science men use it four hours a week for drill practice.
