

Captain Given Morgan Lacrosse Cup Given Annually to Most Valuable Player on Team

C. E. Heintz has been appointed coach of the fall lacrosse team in the absence of Madison Sayles '27 who is now coaching Freshman football, it was announced at the B. A. A. office yesterday.

Coming from Stevens College, Heintz has played and refereed lacrosse a great deal. This summer he coached at the Stevens engineering camp, and is expecting a large turnout for the first call of the season tomorrow. Last season was considered a successful one and in June 24 minor "H" letters were awarded.

The Yale game is always the last one of the year, as with most other Harvard sports. Last year the University team was defeated by Yale 7-0, but the Harvard players took over Dartmouth 11-5, and defeated Brown and Williams 4-2 and 15-3 respectively. Tech was also beaten, 10-6. J. P. Faude '31, second defense player of the Harvard team, was selected for All-American lacrosse at the end of last season.

The Morgan lacrosse cup, awarded every year to that player who does the must for Harvard lacrosse, has just been won by Gardiner Robinson '31, the present captain. Robinson will receive a small cup and have his name engraved on the permanent cup to be exhibited in Leavitt and Peirce's window today. The award is made by a graduate committee of lacrosse of which C. E. Marsters '07 is chairman. This big cup has been awarded every year for the last 20 years, to the most valuable player. Faude has been a regular player on the lacrosse team for three seasons, playing at second defense in most of the games.
