

Names Announced Yesterday by Cole, the Manager--Last Year Society Did Largest Business in its History

Stockholders of the Harvard Cooperative Society at their annual meeting held recently, nominated the officers of the Society for coming year, it was announced yesterday by G. E. Cole, manager.

Six of the directors nominated are from Harvard, three of whom are undergraduate students, and two more nominees are from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

The Cooperative for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1930, had the largest number of sales in its entire history. Membership for Harvard was above 10,000 students and the checks for dividends, amounting to over $95,000, will be ready on October 14.

The meeting of participating members will be held October 15 in Harvard 1 at 5 o'clock and at this time the nominations will be voted upon.

Officers, stockholders, and directors nominated at the last meeting are: W. C. Abbott, C. N. Greenough '98, and H. A. Yeomans '00, stockholders for five years; B. S. Thompson '99 president, A. W. Scott '09 vice president, Walter Humphreys secretary, J. L. Taylor treasurer; and other directors, Delmar Leighton '19 from Harvard at large, C. P. Biddle from officers of Harvard, K. B. Murdock '16 from alumni of Harvard and F. H. Gade '31, R. N. Clark, Jr. '32, B. K. Bachrach '33.
