Twelve hundred cadets will arrive in Boston tomorrow morning and will parade on the Boston Common, march out to Cambridge, do their formations on the Stadium turf, and march out again after the game in regular formation, it was announced yesterday.
Coming on a four section train, the corps will reach Huntington avenue about 9 o'clock, and march to the Boston Common where they will be reviewed by Mayor Curley, Governor Allen, and various army officials. After the program at the Common is completed, they will board a subway train for the Boylston Street Station. Forming in line on Boylston Street with the head of the procession toward Harvard Square, they will march up Boylston Street to the square to the Johnson Gate, opposite the First Parish Church. From here they will proceed around the College Yard to the right and line up in front of Sever Hall where they will be dismissed.
At 11.15 o'clock the first six companies will be called together and will march to the Union, wheer they will have lunch in the large banquet room. The second six companies will follow the same procedure at 11.45 o'clock.
Forming in front of Sever Hall again at 12.45 o'clock, the corps will march to Soldiers Field by way of the Dudley Gate to Quincy Street, will cross Quincy Square to Bow Street, proceed down DeWolfe Street, will cross the Weeks Bridge, and enter Soldiers Field by gate 20.
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Appleton Chapel