Today at 12.30 o'clock the University soccer team will oppose Bridgewater Normal School on the field behind the Business School. The 1934 team yesterday afternoon was defeated in an unusually fast and close game by Bradford-Durfee School, 4 to 3.
This school team has been undefeated and unscored upon during the last year, and has twice before numbered among its victims the Harvard Freshman teams. For 1934, H. B. B. Robinson '34, former Exeter star, and I. C. Martin '34 led, both offensively and defensively. H. C. Thacher '34 opened the scoring for Harvard; then after the School team had tied the count, Martin again put the Freshmen in the lead. For the second time Bradford-Durfee evened the score when Franco, who made three of his team's four goals, headed the ball into the net; then after the score had been tied again, Franco made what proved to be the winning counter.
The lineups: Goals: Franco 3, Terry, Thacher, Martin, Masjoan. Referee--D. Buchanan. Time--four 20-minute periods. The lineup for today's University game is as follows: Faude, g.: Des Roches, l.f.b.; Catinelln, r.f.b.: Bland, l.h.b.; W. Carter, c.h.b.; E. Carter, r.h.b.; Broadbent. c.: Schumacher, l.o.f.; Frame, l.i.f.; Grover, r.o.f.; Dorman, r.i.f.
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