Two days ago in South Carolina, President Hoover spoke of the purity and inherent rightness of American institutions, but surely whatever the moral correctness of its institutions, no other country in the world would countenance the spectacle of the recent American Legion Convention in Boston. The highest official of what other land would have lent his presence to what in effect is merely an excuse for a wholesale brawl, exceeding in its disgusting completeness any similar spectacle the United States have to offer?
Even Boston, with a police commissioner who has been astonishingly vigorous since he has been in power, has seen fit to allow a total relaxation of law and order during the stay in the Hub of the "buddies" of the Legion, those glorious Americans who fought, the slogan says, to make the world safe for democracy, and who have come back to raise hell annually so no one can forget it.
College students are no Aunt Prudences and at Harvard at least, there are few conscientious observers of the 18th Amendment, but the worst subway riot, the drunkenest football crowd are piddling trifles in the way of disturbances compared to a Legion Convention. Boston must have wanted the convention, or it would not have had it. Detroit has been awarded the convention for next year. By God, we hope she's satisfied.
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