Four matters of major importance at Harvard were considered last night by the Student Council, meeting for the first time this year. At that time the group heard Dean A.C. Hanford discuss several problems which he felt to be facing the Council.
Dean Hanford, pointing out that next year the College will be completely reorganized with the advent of the completed House Plan, urged the appointment of a committee to study the numerous problems of, the Freshman year which will necessarily confront the College when the year 1931-32 begins. Following his comment, four committees including that suggested by Dean Hanford, were appointed by the president of the Council, Vernon Munroe Jr. '31. Selection of these groups and discussion of their duties formed the chief part of the evening's business.
Committee to Change Council
Henry Chalfant Jr. '31, Harwood Ellis '31, N. P. Hallowell '32, W.B. Wood Jr. '32, and Munroe will serve on a committee to investigate the problem of, and recommended a plan for the reorganization of the Council itself. With the inauguration of the entire House Plan next September, it is felt that radical revision in the Council organization will be necessary, in order that it may represent equally the entire College. The committee named above will recommend changes, the whole matter to be considered further at later meetings of the Council.
The president also appointed a Committee for the investigation of the Freshman year. It will be the duty of this group to study the problems which will face the new men when they are finally living in the Yard, in addition to those which still confront University authorities. This committee is composed of J. A. Blanchard '31, chairman, J.B. Ames '32, E. L. Belisle '31, T.W. Dunn '31, Marshall Stearns '31, W.B. Wood, Jr. '32, and J. MacG Byrne '31.
J. F. Stevens '31, was named chairman of a committee to study the problem of inter House athletics, which will begin next year, it is expected. Others serving with Stevens are R. C. Aldrich '31, Fustis Deraborn '32, H. L Hognet '31, and F. K. Strans.
The fourth committee was selected to investigate thoroughly the entire tutorial system, both in itself and as it relates to the General Examinations Problems of coordination within departments and of discrepancies in course reduction among various fields will, among others, be the subjects of this study. The committee as appointed last night includes Paul Brooks '31, J. W. Hallowell '31, D. D. Lloyd '31, R. I. Timpson '31, and Yet non Munree Jr '31.
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