
Socialist Club Plans Activities for Coming Year as Fairley Discusses Organization's Work--Thomas, Broun May Speak

The Harvard Socialist Club inaugurated its activities for the coming season with a meeting in Straus 18 last night at 8 o'clock. Lincoin Fairley '23 of the Social Ethics department spoke on "The Function of a Socialist Club at Harvard."

The policy of the organization this year, according to W.H. Melish '31, president of the club, is to study Socialism as it exists at the present time. He also stated that although the study of Socialism is taken up in University courses that the society aims to hold forums with some of the professors as a comeback, in a friendly manner.

The Socialist Club is affiliated with the League for Industrial Democracy which has branches in many of the American colleges. Norman Thomas, chief executive of this organization and prominent Socialist will probably address the club sometime during the year. Hey wood Broun is also being sought for in this connection.

Little active work will be undertaken by the club itself but to those who so desire such work, openings will be made through the club to more active organizations. In reorganizing its policy of last year the club aims at being strictly law abiding and meeting the demands of the University.
