The program of intramural athletics, which includes football, touch football, track, cross-country, and tennis, was given out yesterday by Director A. W. Samborski '25.
A new feature of the season is the commencement of two 150-pound football teams which will be coached by David Guarnaccia '28 and E. A. Evans. The first 150-pound team will play Milton, Academy, and expects games with Groton School, St. Mark's, and a Yale 150-pound team. The second 150-pounders will play against dormitory teams and also a number of outside teams.
Cross country men may enter the Gragg Richards handicap race for which there is a trophy, and the intramural cross-country run. Class football teams have already started practice under their respective coaches. I. R. Duncan 1G.B. has charge of the Seniors, A. W. Samborski '25, the Juniors, and B. H. Dorman '29, the Sophomores. The winning class team will receive medals and will play the Yale class team victors on November 7.
Touch football in the Business and Law Schools starts October 13, and in the fraternities on October 20. The touch football champions of the Freshman Halls will play off in an elimination with the winning fraternity and graduate school teams for the intra-mural championship. The winners will also receive medals.
On today's calendar is a game between the second 150-pound football team and Smith Hall. Thursday there will be a game between the first 150's and Browne and Nichols School. On October 31 there are Interdormitory crew races and the tennis doubles of the Interdormitory series begin.
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