A large turnout attended the meeting at 3 o'clock in the Soldiers Field locker building yesterday afternoon in response to Head Coach E. L. Farrell's call for track aspirants. Approximately 95 men, candidates for the University and Freshman teams, were present.
The meeting opened with a few remarks by Manager C. E. Galston '30, who gave out several notices with regard to equipment and training table. He introduced Captain T. F. Mason '30 who gave the usual harangue of encouragement. E. C. Haggerty '27, captain of the 1927 team urged the Freshmen to scout around their entries and get some more men out, although there was a good aggregation of Freshmen present. He was followed by Coach Farrell, who announced the regular training rules and the general plans for the winter season.
Coach Farrell remarked on the short time left before the first meet, the K., of C. meet in the Boston Garden on January 25. As to prospects there are 15 lettermen back from last year's team, as well as a group from the flashy Freshman team of last season, and in addition to a well-balanced collection of men who should show up well in the dual meets, there are various men who are capable of stellar performances in many of the events.
Following the meeting, all the candidates went out on the track for a short preliminary workout on the boards. Beginning today, practice will be held regularly every afternoon. The following schedule, which differs slightly from the one last year, will be observed for the daily practice sessions:
1 to 2 o'clock. Discus and javelin.
2 to 2.30 o'clock. High jump and shot put.
2.30 to 2.45 o'clock. High hurdles.
2.45 o'clock. Sprints and relay.
3.30 o'clock. Distance men.
4 o'clock. Freshman pole vault and broad jump.
4.30 o'clock. University pole vault.
5 o'clock. 35-pound weight.
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