

House Plan Will Relieve Crowded Conditions in Yard--Applications Due on or Before January 15

Members of the class of 1931 who wish to room in the Yard next year must file their applications at Lehman Hall, on or before Wednesday, January 15. This announcement was made last night by S. P. Duggan Jr. '31, who has been appointed chairman of the Senior Applications Committee by the Student Council.

In making the announcement Duggan added that there are quarters in the Yard dormitories for 480 Seniors. In view of the fact that 168 members of the class of 1931 have been accepted in Lowell and Dunster Houses the rooming situation in the Yard will be somewhat relieved next year. Men may apply in groups of any number up to a maximum of 12.

Beginning tomorrow and continuing until Wednesday, January 15, the committee will observe office hours from 1.30 to 2.30 o'clock, daily excepting Sundays, in Apley 53, and Randolph 6. Application blanks, dormitory plans, price lists, and other material necessary to the filing of applications may be obtained at Lehman, Hall. Duggan concluded by purging that men desirous of living in the Yard hasten their plans in order to facilitate the handling of the 480 assignments.
