
In the Graduate Schools

Business School Forsakes Policy of Six Week Summer Period

It was decided at a recent Harvard Business School Faculty meeting to hold the third of the annual Special Sessions for Business Executives at the Harvard Business School during the month of July for 1930.

Last year the Session extended over a period of six weeks, but as numerous business men felt that a shorter period would be more convenient for them, at their request the Session for this year has been shortened to a month's duration.

The enrolment of men in the Special Session will be limited, ordinarily, to men with business experience who hold responsible positions. In addition, the number of men in each course will be limited so that excessive numbers may not prevent active classroom discussion. As before, practically all the work will be based on actual business cases and problems.

It is interesting to note that last summer 224 men from 145 different companies located in 28 states and 4 foreign countries attended the Session, and that the average age of those attending was 34.

Courses will be offered this summer in Finance. Interpretation of Financial statements, Manufacturing Policies, Public Utility Management, Retail Distribution, Sales Management, and Transportation. Each course, as in preceding sessions, will in itself require the full time of the men enrolled. Little change will be made in the scope of these various courses despite the shortening of the period; the work will rather be slightly more intensive than formerly.
