To the Editor of the CRIMSON:
We, feeling that F.L. Dennis 1G., knows not whereof he speaks, desire to correct his statement in Wednesday's CRIMSON that "Harvard men are thrown in contact with Radcliffe women but little, and seek no closer association. However, I have seen one or two fairly good-looking girls at Radcliffe". Ah, the blase air with which Mr. Dennis utters his profound observations! Lord Byron could hardly have written it more grandly. We understand, of course, that he has investigated the matter thoroughly, and yet--er--we wonder if he has ever tried to get a Radcliffe dormitory on the telephone in the evening? And has he taken into account the statistical proof that 57 per cent of the Radcliffe women marry Harvard men? "They seek no closer association", say you, Mr. Dennis? But, of course, they probably didn't meet in Cambridge--it was while climbing glaciers, or riding the merry-go-round at Coney Island, of course.
As a parting blow we might remind the lordly young graduate from Oklahoma of a statement which appeared in the Yale Record last year and was, if we remember rightly, (we are not so dogmatic in our statements as Mr. Dennis), reprinted in the CRIMSON:
"In due consideration of the reputation of our fair friends in Cambridge, we will make the dissertation on this subject as scholarly as possible.
"There are two kinds of girls at Radcliffe:
"Class One--those young women who peer at the world through spectacles, convex, concave, or prismatic: who wear the good old-fashioned shirtwaist, and the skirt with the scalloped hem line: who discourse learnedly on economics and classical philology; and who face life behind the bulwark of a summa. We know there must be such, because we have heard of them. We have, however, yet to meet one.
"Class two--the modern girl with short skirts and short hair (this was written last year), but a long line. They have an intimate acquaintance with a cigarette, have heard of a pocket flask, and choose their courses according to the unmarried status of the professors. They show a fighting Irish spirit in maintaining two or three or four strings to every bow. (He means four beaux to every string). They are not bad company."
We realize of course that the opinions of an institution no older than Yale, would have little weight with a man who has gone to the University of Oklahoma, but we must plead our case, as best we can. We thank you. Some Radcliffians.
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