The Massachusetts Legislature should not be blamed too harshly for retaining the Blasphemy Law, the Book-Censorship Law, and others of like absurdity upon their books. Their action is obviously based on a well meaning desire to preserve these masterpieces of antiquity for the edification and amusement of posterity. This is indeed a quaint notion, but one likely to result in considerable confusion, for Massachusetts is in danger of becoming a large penitentiary with the legislators as wardens.
In view of this fact, it might be well to create a special legislature of antiquarians for the due consideration and care of these relics. Spirited debates might be held on such subjects as whether or not the world is flat, and the exact time of Creation as determined by an hour-glass. By this method the ordinary process of law-making should attain a rate of speed almost perceptible to the naked eye, and the Records would be made light enough for six attendants to handle with ease.
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