After a dinner at Braeburn the night before the Christmas recess, the five Red Book officers who were elected on Thursday, December 12 appointed 13 sub-chairmen to the four departments.
The following men were elected as sub-chairmen on the editorial board. John Mason Bigelow of New York City. Charles Allison Butts, of Poughkeepsie, New York, Robert McConnell Hatch, of Cambridge, George Clair St. John Jr., of Wallingford. Connecticut, and Albert Pratt, of Boston.
Those elected as sub-chairmen to the business board are Karl Adams Jr., of Boston, Joseph Manton Bradley, of Milton, and Ralph George Coburn Jr., of Greenwich, Conecticut.
Subchairmen on the photographie board are Arthur Foote 2nd, of Belmont, Bard Pendleton Rogers, of New York City, and Flamiltion Young, of Newton.
Roger Sanderson Hewlett, of Cedarhurst, Long Island, and James Sachs Plaut were elected as sub-chairmen to the arts and cuts board.
At this dinner, the plans for the year were throughly talked over, and all the departments are going to start work immediately. The competitions for places on the board will start immediately after mid-years.
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