

The creation of the office of Consultant on Careers is the logical answer to the Student Council's recommendation made last year for a through research into the whole field of post-graduate employment. While the new bureau is an expansion of the already existing Alumni Placement and Student Employment offices, more emphasis will be laid on the problem of placing the graduate in a position for which he is suited and prepared.

A recent report on Harvard men in the business world found that approximately 2000 alumni were either unemployed or dissatisfied with their positions. Although the fault cannot be strictly applied to the present system of graduate placement, still that system is so limited that only a definite number of positions are open to each applicant and he must take what is offered regardless of his own personal fitness or the position's appeal to him.

The Consultant on Careers adds the personal touch. Rather than acting in an advisory capacity, the office is to function as a bureau of expert opinion applying a wide experience in personnel work to the problem of the particular student. His choice of work, his educational background and practical experience should have more influence in the final decision. The cooperation of the two employment bureaus, the Senior Questionnaire, and finally this addition of personal and sympathetic interviews should combine to make the position and the occupant coincide to a more satisfactory degree than in the past.
