President Lowell issued a statement Saturday which defines the position of Engineering School Undergraduates in reference to the House Plan. This announcement applies only to Sophomores and Freshmen.
The complete statement is as, follows: "It having been drawn to my attention that students in the Engineering School have been led by the statement in the Catalogue to believe that they would be treated like undergraduates in Harvard College with respect to living conditions, the Masters of the first two Houses have been authorized to accept applications from Freshman and Sophomore engineering students: but the status of the students hereafter entering the School is as yet undetermined."
As a result of this a letter which is being sent to all Freshmen and Sophomores in the Engineering School by Dean Hughes informs them that they may apply for rooms in the two Houses now under construction. Applications, which are enclosed in the communications, will be closed to the Sophomores of the Engineering School at 5 o'clock on Wednesday. Freshmen in the School may apply until February 5, the date for the closing of all Freshman applications. All applications must be handed in at Room A, University Hall. Representatives of the two Houses will be available for conferences at hours and places to be announced on the bulletin boards of Pierce and University Halls.
According to an announcement made at University Hall Saturday nearly 400 Sophomores in Harvard College have applied for quarters in the two Houses.
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