

The definite acceptance by the Athletic Association of Yale's proposal to play the spring baseball series without coaches should give rise to a number of interesting developments. The question of how much authority should be placed in the hands of coaches during an athletic contest of any sort has always been a source of debate, but baseball is one of the few sports where such a system as that proposed by Yale would seem at present at all feasible. Despite the objections of Mr. Samborski, the point at Issue still is whether or not athletic contests should be conducted by the players strategically and mentally as well as physically, and is not one which may be fully decided on a basis of the results of the few trials it has had.

That the plan is generally considered to be purely experimental is evidenced by the fact that it has been accepted by only two members of the Eastern Intercollegiate League, although the suggestion was made to all. Innovations of this sort, however, are at least noble in motive, and occasionally prove workable, and the question of how much responsibility can reasonably be placed in the hands of the captain of a team, and whether or not such responsibility is liable to prove an added handicap to a player, will come in for some close scrutiny this spring. When, if ever, the system is applied to football, the amateurizers will have more valid cause for excitement.
