
Wearied and Pigment-Smeared, "Amos'n Andy" Scorn Jokes and Apply Philosophy to Humor--Amos Once at Harvard

Having already been besieged by a swarm of eager newspapermen and photographers during the whole day. Amos'n Andy appeared in no way the "funny men" that a popular conception holds stage comedians to be off stage, when a CRIMSON reporter finally gained entrance to their dressing room last night. As a matter of fact, the curly-haired young man who finally escorted him down the stairs and along the long corridor under the Metropolitan theatre seemed well on the way to reversing the situation by interviewing the reporter, for by the time they had reached the dressing room, he had been firing a string of questions at the amazed and slightly bewildered CRIMSON representative as to what the average of his grades had been in preparatory school, how old he was, and whether he had prepared "at Princeton or Yale".

Amos and Andy were sitting with rather weary expressions on their faces reading the newspapers. Both had some sort of red pigment smeared on their faces which made them look as though they had just come out of an oven. "You sit down here and I'll lie down there," greeted Andy.

They were different from what one might expect." In fact from plain conversation they appeared so much like plain human beings that it was a great pleasure to chat with them. Amos said that he had been at Harvard for military training at the time of the war. They claim that in their dialogues, which have been doubling-up the United States with laughter nightly in their well-known series broadcast entitled. "The Fresh Air Taxicab Company Incorporated" they do not use what is popularly termed "wisecracks". On the contrary, they have a definite theory that the basis of real humor is in the representation of humorous situations handled with a philosophical touch.

Broadcasting as they do every night, the problem of continuity in their dialogues seems a mammoth one. "We write our own stuff between shows in that room down the corridor," said Amos. "Andy does the typing and what a horrible typist that boy is! He's one of those two-finger experts. I do the dictating."

Twice nightly they broadcast from their special studio rigged up in the theatre. "We have a special line to New York," said Amos, who carried on most of the conversation. "It goes first to New York and then comes back to Boston. The National Broadcasting Company is our manager, not the toothpaste company.
