

Harvard Mentor Believes it Should Not be Confined to Yale Series Alone--Recalls Series of 1914

Coach Fred Mitchell, Harvard's baseball mentor, stated yesterday that he would allow his players to handle at least half of their home games in the coming season this Spring. The statement by Mitchell follows immediately on the announcement that Harvard had accepted Yale's proposal to play the Harvard-Yale series with the coaches off the bench.

The Committee on the Regulation of Athletic Sports, which acted on Yale's proposal, yesterday voted to permit Coach Mitchell to allow the players to handle any preliminary games in a similar way, leaving the games and the dates of the games so to be played up to the discretion of the coach. The Crimson mentor was quick to reply that he was in favor of the proposed system as an experiment, and that he thought that the plan should not be used only in the Yale series, but that Harvard's nine should have a thorough tryout under the plan before it meets the Blue. Mitchell's statement follows:

"The invitation from Yale to play the Harvard series without coaches on the bench is an experiment, and an experiment of that nature should not be confined to just one series. In order that the principle behind the Yale invitation may have a thorough trial. I will remain off the bench for about a dozen games of our schedule, but I will not ask nor desire that the visiting coach do so."

The move to give the game back to the players has aroused considerable comment among athletic officials and sporting editors. Regarded as an experiment by the majority of them they recall the series of 1914 when the round robin series between Harvard. Yale, and Princeton, handled in the same way, was the cause of quite a bit of ill-feeling on the part of the players and undergraduates. The subsequent year the plan was dropped.

Coach Mitchell's action in allowing the baseball team to handle its own games prior to the Yale series will give the players a taste of what to expect against the Elis. Captain F. E. Nugent '30 will be directly in charge of the games while Coach Mitchell sits in the stands along with Coaches Joe Wood and Charles Engle of Yale
