

Mather to Relate Results of Recent Researches--Is Well Known for Work Among Blind

Rufus Graves Mather, who, with his wife, Mrs. Winifred Holt Mather, has just returned from a tour of the Near East in the interest of rehabilitation of the blind and the prevention of blindness, will lecture tonight at the Fogg Art Museum. He will lecture on art discoveries and his recent research in Florentine art, for he is interested not alone in relief and educational work among the blind, but in archaeology as well.

Mr. and Mrs. Mather spoke of their trip at a meeting held Saturday at the Perkins Institution for the Blind, whose course in the education of teachers of the blind opened Friday afternoon in Lawrence Hall, Cambridge. Under the direction of Professor E. E. Allen, lecturer in the Harvard Graduate School of Education, this course, the only one in the United States, is held yearly.

Mr. and Mrs. Mather on their recent tour visited the Near East, India, China, Japan, Java, the Malay States, and Hawaii.
