

Winner Stood Out in Activities as Undergraduate -- Captained Junior University and Freshman Crews

Charles McKim Norton '29, of New York, N. Y., at present a first-year student in the Harvard Law School, has just been announced as the recipient for this year of the Endicott Peabody Saltonstall '94 prize. The prize, which carries with it a stipend of $250, was established in 1926, and is awarded annually by the deans of Harvard College and the Law School to the best-fitted Senior in Harvard College proposing to enter the Harvard Law School.

Norton received his degree from Harvard, magna cum laude, in History and Literature. He was captain of the Junior University crew in 1928, a member of the Student Council, and president of the Signet Society. In his Freshman year, he was chairman of the Freshman Entertainment Committee, and captain of his class crew. One of his activities was membership in the John Barnard Associates, bibliophiles.

Made District Attorney at Crisis

The Saltonstall prize was established in 1926, in memory of Endicott Peabody Saltonstall, by his friends. Saltonstall graduated from Harvard College in 1894, and from the Harvard Law School in 1897. He was a member of the firm of Blood and Saltonstall at the time of his death, and had previously been a member of Saltonstall, Dodge, and Carter.

In 1921 he was asked by the governor of Massachusetts to assume the position of district attorney for the Northern District, which includes Middlesex County. The governor drafted him to assume this position at a time when the previous district attorney had been the object of an investigation and had resigned under fire. The success of Saltonstall under these circumstances distinguished him, but the strain was thought by his friends to have hastened his death, which occurred in 1922.
