Lacrosse candidates will report Monday for fall practice under the direction of Hamilton Lane '28, who has scheduled a program which will probably include two practice games, one with Boston University, and one with M. I. T.
Many veterans are expected to report. Among these will be H. M. Hartnett '30, starting his second year as captain of the team, and R. C. Glenn '30, an outstanding player on last year's aggregation.
Among the promising men expected to turn out from last year's Freshman aggregation are N. N. Cochrane '32 and S. W. Keck '32, the latter all-American school-boy choice of two seasons ago and one of the most valuable players on last season's Freshman outfit.
The fall schedule will include a training table at the Varsity Club.
Coach Madison Sayles announces that there will be no squad cut, and that no previous experience is necessary for candidates.