
Registration of Class of 1933 Ushers in 294th College Year.

Buffet Supper in Union at 6.30 Followed by Informal Meeting is First of Weekend Events

Harvard's two hundred and ninety-fourth Freshman class will register in Memorial Hall this morning between 10 o'clock and 5 o'clock. In the neighborhood of 1000 members of this class are expected to register.

At 6:30 o'clock this evening a buffet supper will be served for the new students in the Harvard Union, and following the supper and Informal meeting of new students will be held in the Living Room of the Union. President Lowell and Colonel Arthur Woods, '92, Overseer of Harvard University, will speak. Associate Professor Alfred Chester Hanford, Dean of Harvard College will preside.

Colonel Arthur Woods, member of the Board of Overseers of Harvard, was Police Commissioner of New York City during the administration of Mayor Mitchel. He has manifested great interest in Harvard as Chairman of the Overseers Committee to visit Harvard College. During the World War he was overseas in the Flying Corps. After the War he was Assistant to the Secretary of War in charge of returning men to civil life.

Merriman Will Preach

On Saturday morning, at 8:45 o'clock, Roger Bigelow Merriman, Guerney Professor of History will preach at a fifteen minute service in Appleton Chapel. At 9 o'clock the Freshman Class and other new students will assemble in the New Lecture Hall to hear brief talks on the "Choice of Studies for the Freshman Year" and on "Freshman Course Requirements." The Secretary of the Committee on the Choice of Electives, Mr. Delmar Leighton, Tutor in the Division of History, Government and Economics, will deliver the first of these talks, and Professor Charles Holt Taylor, Assistant Professor of History, will deliver the second.


Football Men Talk at Union

Conferences with Faculty Advisers, consultation with representatives of the Student Advisory Committee, and language examinations will consume the rest of the day. At 7:30 o'clock, an informal meeting of new students will be held in the Living Room of the Harvard Union. William J. Bingham, '16, Director of Athletics A. E. French, '29, Freshman Football Coach, and J.E. Barrett, '20, Captain of the Football Team, will speak on Athletics and Physical Education at Harvard. The moving picture reel of Athletics at Harvard will also be shown.

On Sunday morning, at 11 o'clock, the Right Reverend Charles Lewis Slattery, D. D. Bishop of Massachusetts, will preach at a special service for new students in Appleton Chapel.

At 7:30 o'clock Monday evening, the Phillips Brooks House will hold its annual reception to new students. The leaders of various undergraduate extracurricular activities, including the Presidents of the Crimson. Lampoon, and Advocate, Presidents of the Glee Club, and Instrumental Clubs, and President of the Phillips Brooks House Association will speak. There will be music by the Instrumental Clubs and refreshments.
