

Boston censorship is like a vacuum cleaner; it beats everything; it finds the hidden dirt, and it makes considerable noise in doing so. Just recently Mayor Nichols has decided to ban the stage version of "Strange Interlude." Although the Watch and Ward Society is considering the suppression of the book, it may still be purchased in any local bookstore, so that he who runs fast enough may read it.

This seems a blemish on Boston's coat of arms, a blind-deaf-mute behind bars on a field sable, with motto "Hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil." But it can be forgiven on the premise that actions speak louder than words.

But if you must see a show, Boston politicians with only the good of the city in mind own and manage a theatre where only good, clean acts are presented. It is a theatre to which you may take your Mother, your wife, or your child. There censorship has erected a screen against all filth but tobacco, and has closed all suggestive displays but the stage door. It is located near Scollay Square. It is known as the "Old Howard."
