An informal meeting of all Freshmen in the Living Room of the Union at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow evening, at which the class will meet the officials of the Athletic Association, will mark the commencement of the fall sporting program.
The 1983 gridiron candidates will report in equipment at 1:30 o'clock on Monday and will meet newly appointed Coach A. E. French '29 at 3 o'clock at Soldiers Field locker building French who was captain and star halfback on last year's eleven will have for his assistants this year. Walter Cleary who has coached the yearling line for the last three seasons; Frank Pickard '29, who played at end on the 1928 team and will handle the ends; and Rufus Bond '16 who will have charge of the backfield squad. Former Freshman coach, E. L. Casey '19, whose yearling combinations dropped only one contest in three years of coaching, is taking charge of the backfield work of the University eleven this year.
Freshmen will also report on Monday for the opening of cross country, fall track and soccer. Since Coach E. L. Farrell of the track team is training the University football squad this fall the men who report for track and cross country work will be under the supervision of Jaako Mikkola, assistant track coach. For those who do not participate in any of these sports the physical training requirement may be satisfied by taking any of the remaining electives for the fall season. These sports which will commence soon after the students have had the opportunity to make a choice include, lacrosse, rowing, tennis, swimming, handball, fencing and equitation, or if bad posture compels officials to take steps for improvement, the Freshman will take corrective exercises in the Hemenway Gymnasium.
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