In 1936 when Harvard college was founded as a small theological school it was settled a good distance from the Charles river. It was not a purely haphazard chance that caused the college to build the embryonic Yard with its back to the river for the malaria infested swamps were something to be avoided in the days before modern hygienic conditions.
Colonial New England grew away from the rivers and valleys and Harvard was no exception to the rest of the country. But in the same way the college was not far behind when railroads and better transportation drew the population into the once dangerous lowlands. The movement from the Yard to Mount Auburn Street started with the transfer of the athletic center to Soldiers Field in 1891 and was closely followed by the erection of the famous "Gold Coast" dormitories.
It was, however, not until President Lowell started his administration in 1909 that Harvard became "Charles River Conscious." Although President Lowell will be remembered by future generations primarily for his changes in the academic system, his vision in dealing with the architectural development of Harvard will be rated a close second.
The erection of the Freshman Halls marked the real start of the exploitation of this natural center around which to
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