
Corporation Votes $200,000 for Faculty Club Accommodations

Facilities of Union Will be Available Next Year -- Two Rooms to be Set Aside

The sum of $200,000, for the erection of a Faculty Club for members of the Faculty of Harvard University has been appropriated by the terms of a vote of the Corporation passed in a recent meeting, according to Professor C. H. Grandgent '83, chairman of the Committee on the Faculty Club.

The Faculty Club, for many years, has been quartered in the cramped facilities offered by the Colonial Club which has been steadily sinking into a condition of disrepair, aside from being entirely inadequate to the demand of the 1000 professors and associates of the Harvard Faculty who would otherwise make use of its accommodations.

Renovations Futile

A former plan calling for $100,000, for the renovations of the present Colonial Club as it stands, located on Quincy Street near the Harvard Union, was considered a rather futile expenditure since such a sum spent in the property already existing there would be throwing good money after bad in the opinion of those who have been actively engaged in the plans.

For some time this year members of the Faculty have been enjoying the privilege of the Harvard Union, where two rooms, a dining room and a common library room have been reserved for the use of the members and guests of the Colonial Club.


Union Privileges Offered

This privilege will continue to be offered all Faculty members and their guests, according to Professor Grandgent, during the period when the new construction prevents the use of the present property. Upon payment of the sum of $10.00 all Faculty members will be entitled to the full use of the Union with its pool rooms, barber shop, library and living room as well as entertainment while the two rooms reserved this year for the Colonial Club will continue to be set aside for their exclusive use next year.

Complete by September, 1930

Plans are not yet complete for the new building which will rise as soon as the present Colonial Club has been razed, but it is expected that definite plans will be drawn up, and activity commenced upon the new project in the immediate future. The new Faculty Club will probably be completed and ready for occupancy by September of 1930 if present indications may be taken at face value, and in its completed form will provide a meeting place and all the conveniences of a savant organization for approximately 1000 members.

During the past year, while temporary improvements were being made at the Colonial Club, two rooms on the second floor of the Union were equipped especially for the use of Faculty members and Cambridge members of the Colonial Club. Mea's have been served here during the past year regularly and a special library and common room has been kept up for the benefit of members.
