
Cramming--A Result

The end of another school term is not far off. If it revealed by no other sign than the number of editorials appearing on the subjects of Commencement, A Life's Work, Farrewell, Alma Mater, and other of a like nature, it is well heralded to end the school year in every college paper which tell the reader that the end is near.

The subject termed "Cramming" is a favorite with most editorial writers. Every college student knows so much about cramming. Whether he has indulged in this mild sport of learning "a la lump" or not, he is aware of the advantages and the evils. The chief complaint against cramming is that a large body of material gone over at a rapid pace late at night does not "stick." This is, indeed, most unfortunate. If only cramming had among other things, certain adhesive qualities, the worries of many students would be at an end. Those who are veterans would be exonerated from that slightly belittling appellation, a crammer, and those who are above such things might spend the time they use in rationalizing their stooping to an action unbecoming in one of high ideals to better advantage. In other words, whether we will or not most of us resort, to cramming. The queer point is that, despite its standardized list of bad points, cramming succeeds to a noticeable extent.

This practice has the ear marks of a result and is not a basic evil. Were there no opportunities for the crammer to succeed, this type of last minute study would vanish. This brings us to a consideration of school practice, with particular reference to the examination. It has been said that an examination is good, only when it is the best teaching device available at that particular time. Its function should be to point out when teaching has not taken effect, in order that remedial exercises may be applied. It should not be used as a device for finding out what a student knows, or does not know, with the object of inflicting a penalty to the deficient. Were the examination used in the light of showing the students his weaknesses, that he might correct them, cramming would cease. Since in our own college some instructors hold this very view and have seen it worked out successfully, it cannot be tagged "just theory" and laid aside. Normal School News
