

Greeks and Barbarisms

Elections to the Senior Societies at one time meant "recognition" of leadership and distinguished performance in the undergraduate world, plus character, and for that reason were "honors" so recognized by the Campus at large. But a change has come. The great size of the Classes since the War (running to over 500 men), the rise of the Junior Fraternities as social clubs and the mixing of all Classes in class-room work, have been subtly and steadily changing all this, so that the character of the Senior-Society elections--and hence their importance on the Campus--within the last few years has materially altered.

The pronounced dissatisfaction of the undergraduates each year for several years past regarding Tap-Day elections may be traced back to this change; certainly not within our memory have there been such criticism and hardly concealed disaffection. It is time, we think, that the fact be accepted, that Society "recognition" for service in the undergraduate world and for outstanding leadership in its various enterprises, is going by the board together with other old Yale traditions, and that Senior social groups are being formed, based on Fraternity acquaintanceship and Fraternity voting strength, resulting in an entirely new Senior Society tradition. If this is to be the case, well and good: our point is that the Senior Societies should frankly admit it and not sail under discarded colors.

The situation at Yale today undoubtedly calls for one or more new Senior Societies or clubs, which will elect on merit and leadership as did the old ones in previous years, and be the "Honor" groups which the College now lacks. The opportunity is there to be taken advantage of.

Regardless of this, "Tap Day" should certainly go into the discard of outworn Yale traditions. This intrinsically barbarous practice belonged to the older and more primitive Yale College. Now that the modern Senior Societies have frankly become social clubs, with their members chosen on that basis (and no one can object if that is their openly avowed policy), some better system of giving out elections should be found. Yale Alumni Weekly.
