

Readmitted Freshmen More Burden Than All Sophomores--Standards to be Stiffened

A sweeping change in the regulations top readmission was effected by a recent vote of the Administrative Board announced yesterday at University Hall. With present regulations in effect the number of men readmitted as Freshmen will be reduced to a negligible quantity.

Increased limitations of college enrolment, and the fact that the readmitted Freshmen constitute a greater liability than those merely dropped back into the Freshmen Class on probation, have been the cause of the present action. In this respect it is asserted by the College authorities that the 150 dropped Freshmen are practically much more of a burden upon the shoulders of the Dean's Office than the entire 700 members of the Sophomore Class.

Summer School Factor

Unusual cases justified by honor work in the summer school and special conditions involving employment of a different nature will be considered for reenrolment at the meeting of the Administrative Board on September 13 previous to the opening of college, but only under extraordinary circumstances will readmission be granted to students dismissed previously.

The action on the part of the Administrative Board comes as the sequence to an investigation conducted by the Dean's Office, the results of which were revealed in the report of Dean Hanford, published in the CRIMSON several months ago.


The Readmission Letter

The "readmission letter" sent out each year from the Dean's Office to those men who are seeking to reenter in the fall, appears this year according to the newly established changes as follows:

"Because of the limit on the number of men entering Harvard College and because of the poor showing of men who have in the past been readmitted after an initial failure the Administrative Board hereafter will ordinarily not grant readmission to men whose connection with the College has been severed. It will, however at its meeting on September 13, 1929 consider all applications which have reached the Dean before September 1. and in exceptional cases may grant readmission.

"The Board will examine the complete records of all applicants for readmission and will demand of candidates the strongest assurance of future success. The passing of an approved course in the Harvard Summer School with an honor grade (A or B) may be considered as a reasonable basis for readmission and in general is regarded by the Administrative Board as the most satisfactory evidence of work done. The Harvard Summer School opens on July 8, 1929. In special cases steady employment of a different nature may be approved.

"In ever case a man who plans to seek readmission should be sure to obtain advance approval of his plan from the Dean or the proper Assistant Dean and should submit with his application for readmission letters from employers or other evidence of a similar character. Furthermore it should be understood that approval of a plan does not in self form any guarantee of readmission.
