


Philadelphia, Pa., May 31--Five of the Harvard entries in the intercollegiate semi-finals today qualified for the finals tomorrow, in a day marked by a series of excellent performances and a new record in the shot put. T. F. Mason '30, who barely qualified in the 100 and 220; G. A. Tupper '29, who won his heat in the low hurdles in 24 1-5 seconds; F. E. Cummings '30 in the quarter, H. P. Porter '29 in the 880, and P. N. Youchx '31 in the hammer complete the list of Crimson entrants who distinguished themselves in track and field. The one and two mile runs and the high jump and pole vault tomorrow will give other Harvard stars an opportunity.

The summary:

100-yard dash--Two men in each heat qualified for semifinals. First heat--won by Daley (Holy Cross); second, Kent (Colgate); third, T. F. Mason '30. Time-9-4-5 sec. Second heat--won by Kieselhorst (Yale); second, Sachs (Penn); third, Finn (Boston College). Time--10 1-5 sec. Third heat--won by Bowen (Pittsburgh); second, Kastler (Penn); third Andrews (Princeton). Time--9 9-10 sec. Fourth heat--won by Harwood (Syracuse); second, Dyer (Stanford); third, MacDonald (Yale). Time--10 sec. Fifth heat--won by Maurer (Southern California); second, Wildermuth (Georgetown); third, Stevens (Dartmouth). Time--10 1-10 sec. Heat for third men (two to go into semifinal)--won by Mason; second, Finn (Boston College). Time--10 2-10 sec.

220-yard dash--Three men in each heat qualified for semifinals. First heat--won by Kent (Colgate); second, Kastler (Penn); third, MacDonald (Yale). Time--21 9-10 sec. Second heat--won by Wildermuth (Georgetown); second, Wehner (Southern California); third, Morin (Holy Cross). Time-21 8-10 sec. Third heat--won by Engle (Yale); second, Harwood (Syracuse); third, Mason. Time--22 sec. Fourth heat--won by Dyer (Stanford); second, Sacks (Penn); third, Gill (Yale). Time--21 8-10 sec.

120-yard high hurdles--Three men in each heat qualified for semifinals. First heat--won by Collier (Brown); second, Furth (N.Y.U.); third, Smith (Stanford); fourth, Clark (Cornell). Time--14 4-5. Second heat--won by McCoy (Penn); second, Nichols (Stanford); third, Devoe (Yale); fourth, Young (Cornell). Time--15 1-5 sec. Third heat--won by Edmonds (Stanford); second, Webber (Southern California); third, Putnam (Dartmouth); fourth, Stollwerck (Colgate). Time--15 1-10 sec. Heat for fourth men (one to qualify for semifinals). Won by Stollwerek (Colgate). Time 15 3-5 sec.


220-yard low hurdles--Two men in each heat qualified for semifinals. First heat--won by G. A. Tupper '29; second, Furth, (N.Y.U.); third, Pogolotti (California). Time--24 1-5 sec. Second heat--won by E. A. Payne (Southern California); second, Kieselhorst (Yale); third, Sykes (Haverford). Time--24 3-10 sec. Third heat--won by J. A. Payne (Southern California); second, Parrish (Swarthmore); third, Smith (Yale). Time--25 1-10 sec. Fourth heat--won by Cunningham (Yale); second, Stollwerek (Colgate); third, Lincoln (Princeton). Time--24 1-5 sec. Heat for third men (Two to qualify for semifinals). Won by Pogolotti (California); second, Sykes (Haverford). Time--24 3-10 sec.

440-yard run. Three men in each heat qualified for finals. First heat--won by Swope (Dartmouth); second, Saxer (Penn); third, Shotter (Georgetown). Time--49 2-5 sec. Second heat--won by Bowen (Pittsburgh); second, Engle (Yale); third, Graham (Syracuse). Time--48 2-5 sec. Third heat--won by Morrison (Stanford); second, St. Clair (Syracuse); third, F. E. Cummings '30. Time--49 sec.

880-yard run. Five men in each heat qualified for finals. First heat--won by Edwards (N.Y.U.); second, Hackney (Michigan); third, Garland (Princeton); fourth, Elmer (Cornell); fifth, Milstead (Georgetown). Time--1 min. 58 9-10 sec. Second heat--won by Veit (N.Y.U.); second, R. P. Porter '29; third, Offenhauser (Penn State); fourth, Chapman (Bates); fifth, Gassner (N.Y.U.). Time--1 min. 57 3-5 sec.

Shotput. Qualifiers--Rothert (Stanford), 50 ft. 3 in. (new record); Berlinger (Penn), 43 ft. 3 5-8 in.; Adelman (Georgetown), 48 ft. 8 in.; Krenz (Stanford), 48 ft. 5 in.; Schleimer, (Southern California), 47 ft. 11 in.; Smith (N.Y.U.), 45 ft. 4 in.

Javelin throw. Qualifiers--Kibby (Stanford), 204 ft. 7 in.; Churchill (California), 200 ft. 7 5-8 in.; Mortensen (Southern California, 198 ft. 9 in.; Sparling (Stanford), 196 ft. 10 3-4 in.; Myers (N.Y.U.); 195 ft. 8 in.; Curtice (California), 193 ft. 7 1-4 in.

Broad jump. Qualifiers--Hill (Southern California), 23 ft. 7 1-2 in.; Herback (Pittsburgh), 23 ft. 7 1-2 in.; Herback (Pittsburgh), 23 ft. 5 1-8 in.; Boyle (Penn), 23 ft. 3 in.; Paul (Southern California), 23 ft. 2 1-2 in.; Dowell (Stanford) 23. ft. 2 in.; Benjamin (Syracuse), 23 ft. 5-8 in.

Discus throw. Qualifiers--Krenz (Stanford), 148 ft. 9 3-8 in.; Anderson (Cornell), 148 ft. 7 in.; Rothert (Stanford), 139 ft. 8-1-1 in.; McLeod (Standford); 137 ft. 11 5-8 in.; Steiner (Penn), 135 ft. 11 3-4 in.; Schneider (N.Y.U.), 134 ft. 7 1-4 in.; Lamberg (Penn), 134 ft. 5 5-8 in.

Hammer throw. Qualifiers Black (Maine), 163 ft.; Worden (Cornell), 160 ft. 5 1-4 in.; P. N. Vonckx '31, 153 ft. 3-4 in.; Wies (Cornell), 151 ft. 1 3-4 in.; Gwinn (Pittsburgh), 148 ft. 3-4 in.; King (Dartmouth), 145 ft. 5 1-2 in
