

First Year Men Cover New Course in 9 Minutes 26 Seconds--M. I. T. Goes Crab Hunting

The Harvard 150-pound and Freshman crews, rowing in races postponed twice since last Saturday, defeated the corresponding Tech crews by three and one half and five lengths respectively in the Basin yesterday afternoon.

The lightweight's race, scheduled for 5.30 o'clock, was not rowed until two hours later on account of a strong westerly wind which kicked up the water cast of Harvard bridge.

The Harvard shell jumped almost a length at the start, and opened up water gradually at a steady 32 stroke till it had a three length lead at the bridge. Here the water grew rougher, and although both crews dropped the stroke to a 30, the Crimson eight continued to draw gradually ahead, and held its lead in the final sprint, covering the mile and 5-16 in 7 minutes 7 seconds. The engineers were clocked at 7 minutes 25 seconds.

The first-year race was even less of a contest, for the rough water conditions proved too much for the Tech oarsmen. Harvard jumped them at the start and drew away easily at a 30 stroke-per- minute clip, with their rivals trailing at a-28, until there were two lengths of open water between the boats at the Harvard Bridge. After the mile mark was passed, the engineers started catching crabs which proved fatal to their chances of winning, and a quarter of a mile from the finish the stroke man caught one which temporarily disabled the entire crew, although the pace was kept down to 25.

The Crimson shell crossed the line over five lengths ahead, covering the mile and 3-4 in the excellent time of 9 minutes 26 seconds. This was the same time at which the University crew was clocked in its last trial about two weeks ago although the latter did not have the help of a strong following wind.


The seatings were as follows:

Harvard 150-pound University--Stroke, Donough Prince '31; 7, H. N. Roberts '30; 6, F. E. Farnsworth '29; 5, M. H. McKusick '29; 4, W. W. Ames '31; 3, Harper Woodward '31; 2, T. N. Perkins Jr. '31; bow; D. S. Staples '30; cox, Richard Kimball '31.

M. I. T. 150-pound University--Stroke, W. P. MacKusick; 7, H. L. MacKusick; 6, H. V. Gibbons; 5, W. W. Warren; 4, B. H. Harris; 3, F. E. Burley; 2, J. N. Nathan; bow, D. T. Leonard; cox, H. R. Bullock.

Harvard Freshman--Stroke, A. H. Parker '32; 7, W. C. Thompson '32; 6, S. C. Pierce '32; 5, J. V. Veeder '32; 4, Desmond Fitzgerald '32; 3, T. E. Armstrong '32; 2, F. F. Coleredo-Mansfeld '32; bow, T. M. Page '32; cox, Crispin Cooke '32.

M. I. T. Freshman--Stroke, James Dunlap; 7, P. S. Cook; 6, A. L. Thomson; 5, J. T. Cimorelli; 4, T. S. Varey; 3, J. E. Carbonell; 2, E. W. Schulenberg; bow, A. W. Duning; cox, S. N. Bryan
