The Vagabond finds himself in a strangely ambiguous position during the week which begins today. Cambridge seems to be populated entirely by two classes of inhabitants, neither of which is at all inclined to be appreciative of his efforts to provide them with such stray bits of enlightment as may still be found after the beginning of the Reading Period. On the one side there is a harried group who mutter something about "Divisionals" and hurry back to their books. At the other extreme are those whose academic engagements have been reduced to a minimum and who do not even look up from their road-maps and time-tables at the Vagabond's approach. Persona non grata as he may be, the Vagabond lingers on past the usual date of his annual disappearance, and for two reasons.
The first is that the Pops are now in full swing and that this week the Isadora Duncan dancers have been added to the program. Eva leGallienne is the other attraction, and her repertory company will give "The Cherry Orchard" tonight and Wednesday matinee: "Peter Pan Tuesday night, and "The Master Builder" Wednesday night. The engagement is only for two weeks, so plans had best be made early.
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